In accordance with the provisions of Articles 12 and 78 of the Law on Associations (“Official Gazette of RS” No. 51/2009), and Article 7 of the Statute of the Association of Citizens “EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES”, the Assembly of the Association of Citizens “EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES”, at the session held on February 1, 2011 in Belgrade, has adopted the following
Article 1.
Association of citizens “Equal Opportunities” (in further text Association), has been established as non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit association of citizens with the objective to facilitate on equal basis (or under equal conditions) for men and women the access to the modern information and communication technologies (in further text ICT) in order to improve the quality of life, to end discrimination of all kinds, to master skills and strengthen their active participation in the new information society.
Article 2.
In order to accomplish its objectives the Association will in particular:
- Organize researches collecting, processing and analyzing data on gender representation in the use of ICT,
- Provide technical and advisory support, both domestic and international institutions in the field of gender equality and especially in the field of ICT,
- Form centers for training of trainers and trainees to use ICT in their daily work and life,
- Coordinate its work with the Action Plan for the implementation of National Strategy for Improving the Position of Women and Advancing Gender Equality,
- Cooperate with Gender Equality Directorate on promoting equal participation of both sexes in all spheres of social life in Serbia,
- Bring together experts/activists in the field of ICT and gender equality to promote entry into the information society on an equal basis,
- Prepare guidelines and other documents in the field of ICT and gender equality,
- Launch initiatives for the improvement of use of ICT in citizens’ everyday life and work, especially women, for which it provides the following: analytic, project and professional documentation,
- Publish popular literature that will influence the development of the interest of citizens, especially female population, for adopting the knowledge in the field of ICT, which will improve their chances for employment on the professional posts that require advanced comprehension of ICT,
- Organize different forms of trainings: schools, courses, seminars, lectures, workshops, exhibitions and other forms of public events, especially those for women, aimed at accomplishing the objectives stated in Article 1, whereas schools and courses will be registered separately,
- Organize cooperation with universities, professional associations, organizations, non-governmental organizations, companies from the field of ICT in order to create conditions for improvement of citizens’ knowledge, especially women, and their employment on working posts where the knowledge in the domain of ICT is a prerequisite,
- Organize activities that will acquaint the citizens, especially women, with the benefits and achievements in the application of ICT in business practice and everyday life,
- Undertake other activities aimed at realization of the interest for acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of ICT
- Develop software solutions for on-line gender training and gender databases.
Article 3.
Name of the Association of Citizens in the Serbian language is “JEDNAKE MOGUĆNOSTI”, and in English it is “Equal Opportunities”.
Association is based in Belgrade.
The address of the association is Kralja Petra 79, 11000 Belgrade.
Association realizes its activities on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Article 4.
Member of the Association may be any person who accepts the goals of the Association and its statute, which he/she expresses by applying for admission to the Association.
The Management Board of the Association makes the decision on the admission of new members.
Membership is acquired after the decision of the Management Board by signing the statement of membership.
Member of the Association may revoke its membership, by written statement on dismissal submitted to the Management Board.
Membership at the Association shall cease upon the decision of the Management Board due to long inactivity of the member, member’s behavior that is in disagreement with the objectives of the Association or member’s refusal to cooperate with other members or Association’s bodies.
Article 5.
Member of the Association has the right to:
- Participate equally with other members in the realization of the Association’s objectives,
- Directly participate in the decision-making at the Assembly of the Association, or through Association’s bodies,
- Submit proposals and initiatives to the Management Board and President of the Association, related to the objectives of the Association,
- To take part in the elections and be elected in the Management Board of the Association,
- To be punctually and completely informed about the work and activities of the Association.
Member of the Association shall:
- Actively contribute to the realization of the Association’s objectives,
- Participate in the work of the Association in accordance with his/her own interest, expertise and aspirations,
- Pay the Association’s membership fee,
- Execute tasks assigned to him/her by the Assembly, Management Board or the President of the Association.
Article 6.
Bodies of the Association are:
- Assembly of the Association,
- Management Board of the Association,
- President of the Association.
Article 7.
The Assembly of the Association consists of all its members.
The Assembly of the Association shall meet as needed based on the Decision of the Management Board of the Association, or when required by at least one third of the members who submit the initiative in written to the Management Board of the Association with signatures of one third of the members and it is scheduled at least once a year.
Session of the Assembly shall be convened by the President of the Managing Board by a written notice of the time and place of assembly (published on the Web site of the Association) and the draft agenda, a month before the meeting.
The session shall be chaired by a person who is elected by public vote at the beginning of the session.
The Assembly:
- Verifies the Statute of the Association, as well as the decisions on its amendments and additions,
- Makes decisions on status changes of the Association,
- Make decisions on joining association alliances,
- Adopts the Plan, Operational Plan and Financial Plan of the Association,
- Adopts other general acts of the Association,
- Elects and dismisses the President and Management Board of the Association,
- Considers and adopts the Reports on Association’s Work and Association’s Bodies at least one a year.
The Assembly legitimately comes to a decision if at least 10 members are present at the meeting. The Assembly decides by the majority of the votes of the present members. For the decision on amendments and additions to the Statute, the majority of at least two-third of the present members’ votes is necessary. In case of equal number of votes in favor and against the decision, the vote of the President of the Association determines the result.
Article 8.
The Management Board is the executive body of the Association, which ensures the realization of the objectives determined by this Statute.
The Management Board consists of the President of the Association and four members that are acting Vice-Presidents of the Association. The President of the Association is at the same time the President of the Management Board.
The President of the Board represents the Association in legal matters and has the rights and duties of principal financial ordering party.
Vice-Presidents of the Association are, in President of the Management Board’s absence, authorized to represent the Association and sign all the financial documents on behalf of the Association.
Management Board members’ mandate is four years and they can be re-elected on the same position.
Article 9.
Management Board:
- Manages the work of the Association in-between the two sessions of the Assembly and makes decisions in order to realize the Association’s objectives,
- Makes decisions on the inner organization of the Association and duties of the members of the Management Board, i.e. of Vice-Presidents,
- Forms teams for the implementation of plans and programs of the Association and appoints Project Coordinators,
- Organizes regular activities of the Association,
- Assigns specific tasks to individual members of the Association and allows realization of individual activities,
- Adopts the Financial Plan and balances of the Association,
- Makes decisions on the realization of the Financial Plan and individual decisions on the use of assets of the Association,
- Makes decision to initiate the procedure of amending the Statute, through its own initiative or upon the proposal of at least half of the members of Association and prepares draft amendments, which are submitted to the Assembly for adoption,
- Makes decision on all matters that are not within the competence of other bodies of the Association.
Management Board legitimately decides if at least one half of the members are present, and the decisions are being made by the majority vote of the present members. In case of equal number of votes in favor and against the decision, the vote of the President of the Association determines the result.
Article 10.
President of the Association represents and acts on the behalf of the Association in the country and abroad.
President of the Association signs the documents of the Association that achieve the objectives of the Association, allocate the financial means of the Association, grants the authorization and permissions for performing certain actions.
President of the Association may transfer his/her authorizations to the members of the Management Board, i.e. to the Vice-Presidents of the Association.
Transfer of the authorization to other persons, President of the Association may perform only with the consent of the members of the Management Board.
Article 11.
Work of the Association is in the public domain.
Management Board ensures the regular communication with members and the public on the activities of the Association, directly or through internal publications, and/or through public press releases.
Article 12.
In order to accomplish its objectives, the Association establishes contacts with other, expert, scientific, educational and similar organizations in the country and abroad.
The Association may join like-minded international organizations and networks.
Adjoining to the international organizations is registered at the official state body in the period of 30 days, according to the law.
Article 13.
The Association raises funds from the membership fees, donations, applying for financial support with the state bodies or foundations and from other sources, according to the law.
Article 14.
The Association shall cease to operate by the decision from the Assembly, when the conditions for accomplishment of the Association’s objectives cease to exist, as well as in other cases foreseen by the law.
In the decision on dissolution of the Association, the Assembly will identify another non-profit organization that will legally inherit the assets of the Association, in accordance with the Law on Associations.
Article 15.
Association has a round-shaped stamp with the sign in the Serbian language “Jednake mogućnosti” and in English “Equal Opportunities”.
Article 16.
This Statute shall enter into force upon adoption by the Assembly of the Association, and shall be applied from the date of registration with the authorized body.
Article 17.
Upon entry into force of this Statute, the Statute of Association of citizens “EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES” from 2002 becomes invalid. This Statute shall enter into force on the day following its adoption.
The Chairperson of the Association’s Assembly